In April 2020, I was feeling the post viral effects of likely Covid and felt I had nowhere to turn to for support from a health and well-being perspective. My GP practice still remains phone consultations only and I was frustrated that my health wasn’t improving. I had crippling fatigue, strange neurological symptoms, insomnia, dizziness and many other symptoms following the acute viral phase. Luckily, I did some research and learned the Perrin Technique might be beneficial and found Robin as a practitioner online. I started regular sessions with him and was grateful for the holistic advice, confirmed at Consultation that I had post viral fatigue that mirrors Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and started my Perrin technique sessions weekly. I am not 100% yet back to normal but I feel it’s been a beneficial journey so far. I also feel empowered that I have a way of helping my recovery beyond resting and healthy eating
2 replies
  1. John
    John says:

    Would this help me?
    58 year old diagnosed with CFS after shingles in late 2004 followed almost immediately with Glandular Fever early in 2005.
    I am housebound and can’t drive anymore, and use a mobility scooter when I am capable of sitting upright. The least painful position for me is in a reclined position with feet up on a recliner made in Sweden by a company called Stressless.
    I also suffer from constant itchiness, although my skin looks normal.
    I have a lot of pain, in varying degrees in different places that don’t seem to make sense, and sometimes my cognitive abilities are so bad that I can’t write, read, or even talk.
    I’ve seen an awful lot of specialists that deal with specific parts of the body and tons of scans and blood tests.
    Thank you, John , near Winchester in Hampshire.


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  1. […] I have spent many years helping patients with a variety of conditions. Being qualified in the Perrin Technique, a practice which works towards diagnosing and treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), more […]

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