London Osteopath Robin Kiashek Shares Why Detox Is a Marketing Myth

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The AsapScience video below is quite fun and I think true. This clever presentation looks at some of the miscomprehensions about some foods and diets that we all assume are true. The basic premise that everything is made of chemicals and things that we assume are good for us, actually contain some of the same natural chemicals that in other foods we think are bad for us.

The title of this post, why detox is a marketing myth, is taken from the presentation, as I think it’s a clever line to use and actually it does, in this context, ring true. How can you truly detox when the range and amounts of natural and man-made chemical compounds exist in everything that we consume. There’s another line which states that ‘everything is poison at a high-enough dose’, which is also true if you think about it in terms of moderation. Too much of anything that you consume will have some sort of negative effect to the body’s balance. In truth, we all need a little of everything, including natural toxins, to attain a balanced diet and lead a healthy life.

The video is fun and makes some interesting points, however, as an Osteopath in North London I think the overriding message that I get is that education and knowledge about what we eat is very low and if that knowledge was more general and easier to understand, that would be a small but significant step in the improvement of health and most certainly would provide an elements of weaponry in the fight against obesity.

Check out the video yourself and see what you think…
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