Dear Robin,

I have been meaning to write an actual letter/ card to you to thank you for ages now, and I maybe one day I will actually go into a shop and remember to buy a stamp, and will find an open shop that sells cards! But seeing as it might be a while until that day comes, I wanted to write and thank you sooner, via email, for your support through mine and F’s covid recovery.

It was so kind of you to treat F for free and to have such compassion and kindness for both of us through such a challenging time in our lives. Your support gave us such hope and fortitude in the face of fear.

We both appreciated the regular comfort of a visit to your calming clinic and then subsequent feelings of health and vitality that followed.

We are both doing well. There are still some challenging days but overall we are so much better. I would have liked to finish treatment with you to full completion but unfortunately as you know, I had to prioritise other things. We are both taking care and continuing with Perrin technique.

Wishing you all the best and thank you again for your kindness and compassion for us in such difficult times.

A & F

Robin was recommended to me by Dr Perrin. The treatment has made me realise how important it is to calm down my sympathetic nervous system in order to overcome chronic fatigue. Robin has achieved this. He is an excellent osteopath and a sympathetic practitioner

In April 2020, I was feeling the post viral effects of likely Covid and felt I had nowhere to turn to for support from a health and well-being perspective. My GP practice still remains phone consultations only and I was frustrated that my health wasn’t improving. I had crippling fatigue, strange neurological symptoms, insomnia, dizziness and many other symptoms following the acute viral phase. Luckily, I did some research and learned the Perrin Technique might be beneficial and found Robin as a practitioner online. I started regular sessions with him and was grateful for the holistic advice, confirmed at Consultation that I had post viral fatigue that mirrors Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and started my Perrin technique sessions weekly. I am not 100% yet back to normal but I feel it’s been a beneficial journey so far. I also feel empowered that I have a way of helping my recovery beyond resting and healthy eating