I’ve always been interested in the balance of the physical, emotional and biomechanical – or the Naturopathic triangle.  I chose to study at the British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy (now the British College of Osteopathic Medicine) as I was keen to explore more than just the mechanical side of the discipline.  Since qualifying in 1996, I have further expanded my expertise to encompass a range of therapies, so I can offer a bespoke treatment to patients.  But Naturopathy – which promotes the body’s own self-healing mechanism – remains a cornerstone of my treatment plans.

21st century impact

Modern life is far removed from how we originally lived so it’s unsurprising that it can take a toll on our bodies and pose a challenge to our health:

  • burning the candle at both ends
  • the impact of the ever-present technology
  • multiple and continual calls on our time that lead to stress and anxiety
  • poor eating habits
  • sedentary lifestyles
  • modern pollutants

In fact, environmental factors – both physical and emotional ones – can even affect our genes.  This is evidenced in Epigenetics – the study of cellular and physiological traits, or the external and environmental factors, that turn our genes on and off, and in turn, define how our cells actually read those genes. Dr Bruce Lipton has written extensively about this and you can find out more here.

Who is Naturopathy for?

Naturopathy can help patients young and old and in many states of ill/health. It can help a person understand their health and well-being from a broader point of view; even with regard to chronic or acute conditions.  But its principal aim is not only addressing current symptoms but also the prevention of illness.

How does Naturopathy form part of a Robin Kiashek consultation?

Naturopathy is based on understanding the person as a whole. So, when a patient first visits me I ask them a series of questions about their lifestyle, medical history, physical and, when appropriate, emotional circumstances.

Depending on the answers and the patient’s requirements/objectives, I may then undertake a clinical examination.  Then I work with the patient to identify any factors that may be undermining their health and to develop a plan based on their needs.  The aim is to plan a future protocol that will help them move towards a healthier life.  This will likely involve looking at diet, lifestyle routines, sleep and hydration.  But I may also incorporate my other specialisms – Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Low Level Laser Therapy and Autogenic Training.

Chess but not as we know it

To return to the Naturopathic Triangle, I like to think of what I do as playing chess on a three-layered board.  With the top layer representing the physical being, the middle board the emotional and the bottom board the nutritional.  And a move on the top board will affect not only the pieces on that board but also those on the middle and bottom.

So, as a qualified Naturopathic Osteopath based in London, I can help you equip your body with the tools it needs to heal itself, or even to prevent illness from developing. Essentially, I help my patients achieve wellbeing through natural methods and treatments, allowing their bodies to fight and prevent disease, minimising the need for surgery or drugs.

To find out more on how my holistic brand of Naturopathic Osteopathy can help combat the stresses and strains of modern life, why not book an appointment at one on my clinics?

I attended a fascinating course last month by Dr Jeremy Howick about how we can use placebos to support recovery.  One of the themes we explored was the use of empathy in healthcare.  And whether, employed effectively, it could actually act as a placebo.

For many of us, ‘placebo’ may conjure up images of white coated doctors running clinical trials where one set of patients are given medication and the other are given ‘fake’ tablets.

And the official definition isn’t much different – describing a placebo as a medical treatment or procedure designed to deceive the participant of a clinical experiment. A placebo does not contain any active ingredients but often still produces a physical effect on the individual.

But their once-surprising impression on participants, known as the placebo effect, has become the focus of many studies.  This is because the inert treatments have repeatedly demonstrated a measurable, positive health response

So where does empathy fit in?

In my view, empathy plays a vital role in the treatment of patients.  It’s the cornerstone of humane, compassionate care and contributes towards the patient experience, relationship between patient and healthcare professional and potentially the treatment outcome.

Essentially, empathy is the ability to understand, acknowledge and identify with the feelings and emotional state of another without experiencing that state yourself.

When patients come to me they have often been in pain for a while and there may be a lengthy tale of different practitioners/treatments that they’ve already tried.  It’s vital that I take the time to listen and understand the journey that has brought them to my clinic.  And then, due to the holistic approach that I favour, I ask them about their diet, lifestyle and habits too.

So, before treatment has even started my patients they feel they have been heard.  And the time to listen is not a luxury that my fantastic but overworked and under resourced NHS colleagues often have.  In fact, listening is not a trait that we practice much at all in the 21st century.  People seem more likely to be head down over a screen than interacting with their nearest and dearest.

Interestingly, when patients provide me with testimonials they frequently (and very kindly) begin with how they feel they benefitted from my empathetic approach.  And they will often mention this before they talk about any treatment I have provided.

For example: “Robin is a good listener who is able to relate the situations in one’s life to its effect and treatment on the condition; felt cared for and treated very respectfully.”

How can we better incorporate empathy into everyday life?

Given to positive response I’ve seen to this approach, these are my five top tips for being more empathetic.

Listen actively

I’ve written before about my dislike for the over commercialisation of mindfulness.   But one of the key components of the practice is being present in the moment; which is vital to active listening.  As the other person talks, put yourself in their position.  Think about the feelings that would induce and how you might feel.  When it’s your turn to talk (no interrupting with active listening please!) reflect what you think you’ve heard and how that must make them feel back to them.  This provides a physical indication that you’ve listened and understood.  And the opportunity to clarify if you reflect anything incorrectly.

Life is so fast paced that we’ve become keen to race through every experience.  This often includes conversation.  If we’re honest, we’re frequently preparing our own response before someone has finished talking.  Which means that we’re not really listening.  So watch out for that.

Don’t make assumptions

‘To ass-u-me makes an ass of you and me,’ is a saying for a reason.  The people who most need our empathy are sometimes least equipped to make that known.  So, patience is required.  You may think you know the end of the sentence or even the story.  But perhaps you don’t.  And you’re unlikely to find out if you try to fill in your own blanks.

Make eye contact

21st century life is often incompatible with making eye contact.  And this can extend to a consultation environment.  There are records to be updated, notes to be taken and perhaps time constraints to be managed.  Similarly, in wider life there will always be an email to be answered, social media post to be liked or shared or a funny cat video to watch.  But how much more valuable for the person in front of you if we put the devices away and make some eye contact!

Body language

There are two sides to this.  First, be mindful of your own.  Shuffling or fiddling with props could imply disinterest.  Whilst glancing at watches or devices can signal a desire to be elsewhere.  Neither of which are likely to encourage someone to open up to you. Particularly if they are already feeling a little vulnerable.

And then there’s the other person’s non-verbal cues.  Which might be at odds with their verbal ones.  “I’m fine” is perhaps one of the most misused phrases in conversation.  Does the body language tell a different story?  Are they avoiding eye contact, is their posture closed (arms crossed, shoulders hunched etc?

It’s not all about you

Not so relevant in a healthcare environment – professionals are unlikely to counter your medical ailment with one of their own!  But very common in everyday life.  People often respond to something that someone shares by comparing it to a situation of their own.  Or of someone they know.  Which is frequently irrelevant and unhelpful.  No two divorce stories, infertility tales or chronic pain struggles will be the same and it effectively moves the conversation away from them and on to you.  Excessive positivity without acknowledging their pain and giving unsolicited advice also fall into this category I’m afraid.  Well-meaning as they may be.

So, there we have Robin Kiashek’s five top tips for being more empathetic.  Obviously, my treatment plans extend far beyond providing empathy.  I have a range of options at my disposal including traditional Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Low Level Laser Therapy, Naturopathy and Autogenic Training.  So please do call on 020 8815 0979 or get in touch through the website if you have an issue or ailment that you feel could benefit from my holistic approach.

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is a general term used to describe muscle, nerve and tendon pain caused by repetitive movement and overuse. It’s most commonly perceived as something that affects wrists and hands, but it can also impact forearms, elbows, neck and shoulders.

RSI can strike anyone who performs a repetitive or high intensity action for long periods without rest. It can also be exacerbated by poor posture or activities that involve working in an awkward position. At the Robin Kiashek Clinics we’ve seen sufferers from keyboard using office workers to smartphone users, sports people and musicians.

It is worth noting that poor posture whilst sitting at a desk can, with time, lead to repetitive strain and ultimately damage to the outer fibres (the annulus fibrosus) of the inter-vertebral discs, which can, in turn, lead to bulging/herniating discs, producing lower back pain.

Symptoms of RSI

The symptoms of RSI usually develop gradually and can range in severity. They often include:

  • Burning, aching or shooting pain.
  • stiffness
  • throbbing
  • tingling or numbness
  • weakness/lack of strength
  • cramp
  • Clumsiness or difficulty with day to day tasks and activities.
  • Chronically cold hands, particularly the fingertips.

At first, symptoms may only present while the action is being performed. But, left unaddressed, they can cause longer periods of pain or even become constant.

Top tips for preventing RSI

The good news is that there are a number of things that you can do to help reduce your risk of getting RSI:

  • If you work at a computer all day, make sure your seat, keyboard, mouse and screen are positioned so they cause the least amount of strain:
    • Keep feet flat on the floor and try not to cross your legs
    • Position the screen directly in front of you and at eye level
    • Consider a wrist rest to keep wrists straight and at the same level as the keys
    • Keep items you use regularly close by and so you don’t have to reach or stretch
    • If you use the phone a lot, consider using a headset rather than clamping it between your head and shoulder
  • Try to take regular breaks from the task – small and frequent is better than one long rest
  • Don’t sit in one position for too long. Get up and move around – it moves the strain from one set of muscles to another. There is some great information about the perils of sitting too long here and how you can do less of it here.

How can Osteopathy help with RSI?

RSI problems can respond very well to Osteopathy. At the Robin Kiashek Clinics we will devise a treatment plan to reduce pain, help recovery and minimise the chance of injury reoccurring.  There are three main strands:

  • On a symptomatic level, some soft tissue stretches, joint mobilisation and exercises can help bring relief from the painful symptoms
  • We will investigate around the area where the problem is presenting and establish what else is going on in the patient’s life. I’ve written on referred pain in a previous blog.
  • Finally, we would provide advice and guidance on lifestyle changes around sleep, posture, and exercise that can help prevent symptoms from reoccurring.

We have two clinics.  One in Central London and the other in East Finchley.  If you suffer from symptoms like those outlined above then why not get in touch?

Sciatica can strike anyone

What do football manager Thierry Henry, actress and singer Olivia Newton-John and Jean-Claude Juncker, the former President of the European Commission, all have in common? Not much on the face of it, but the fact is that all three have, at one time or other, been battling sciatica.

The former Arsenal striker went from strength to strength following a bout in 2006. Grease star Newton-John was forced to cancel several concerts two years ago while the painful condition was blamed – amidst much speculation – for the 64-year-old Juncker’s stumbles during a recent Nato summit.

What is sciatica?

The older generation will be more familiar with it as Lumbago, but Sciatica (as it’s now called) is an unpleasant and disruptive condition that can potentially afflict anyone – of all ages and levels of fitness!  It’s often confused with other types of back pain and occurs when the sciatic nerve is compressed or injured. This nerve is the largest and longest in the human body. It runs all the way from the lumbar region in the lower back, through the buttocks and down both legs to the feet. Symptoms can make themselves felt anywhere along the nerve, from the lower back, through the genital region and all the way to the feet.

Symptoms of Sciatica

Common symptoms of sciatica include:

  • Stabbing, burning or shooting pains along the sciatic nerve in the:
    • lower back, hip and/or buttock(s)
    • backs of the thighs and down the legs
    • feet and/or toes
    • genital area
  • Burning or tingling (pins and needles) in the legs and/or feet
  • Numbness and weakness in affected areas
  • All of the above made worse by prolonged sitting, standing or walking, heavy lifting and any activity with an impact on the spine (eg running)

Causes of sciatica

The vast majority of sciatica cases are caused by:

A herniated or protruding disc: Positioned between the vertebrae (bones in the spinal column) discs act as shock absorbers or cushions with the lower spinal discs taking on most of the upper body weight. Over time their hard, fibrous outer structure may develop tiny tears, usually as a result of overload or poor posture. This allows their jelly-like inner core to herniate or protrude, irritating the sciatic nerve. and often referred to as a ‘trapped nerve’.

Poor posture: Sitting incorrectly with more weight on one hip than the other can irritate or compress the sciatic nerve.

Degenerative Spinal Arthritis. Osteoarthritis in the spine can damage the cartilage (connective tissue) on the joints and discs in the neck and lower back, producing spurs of bone that press against the sciatic nerve.

Impingement of the sciatic nerve along its course:  the sciatic nerve can be affected by the pelvic joints (sacroiliac joints) or if the nerve passes through the Piriformis muscle (deep in the buttock region), where tightening of the muscle can give sciatic-type symptoms. 

Treating sciatica with Robin Kiashek

The condition may improve on its own after four to six weeks, although this largely depends on the patient’s age, medical history, lifestyle and, importantly, whether he or she heeds my advice! Try not to let it interfere with your daily activities. You can help yourself in battling sciatica via:

  • Avoiding prolonged sitting
  • Keeping moving but only if this doesn’t cause you pain
  • Using cold hydrotherapy (sitting in a cool bath or gentle swimming) to relieve pain on the lower spine
  • Avoiding high impact activities
  • Not sleeping on your front and either putting a pillow under your knees if sleeping on your back, or putting a pillow between your knees if side-lying

Does sciatica go away on its own?

If your symptoms show no sign of improving after a few days, please make an appointment at one of the Robin Kiashek Clinics. I will take a full case history and perform a clinical examination to determine the exact cause of your pain. We will then agree on a treatment plan which may also include advice on exercise, posture, pain management and how to prevent any future attacks.

To get in touch please call 020 8815 0979 or click here.







About Exercise AddictionToo much exercise can lead to obsession

We all know that physical exercise offers many health-giving benefits. These include strengthened muscles and bones, and a reduced likelihood of developing such nasties as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Not to mention its mood-enhancing and stress-busting properties. But some people take it too far and become exercise addicts. According to Katherine Schreiber and Heather Hausenblas, authors of The Truth About Exercise Addiction, a worrying 25% of all runners suffer with exercise addiction, compared with 0.3% of the general population.

Nature’s best stressbuster

Our over-complicated, over-sedentary, over-digitised 21st century lifestyles have a lot to answer for when it comes to creating stress. Exercise is certainly an effective way to counter this. Any form of physical activity releases endorphins – chemicals that enhance mood – in the brain but this is particularly true of cardiovascular exercise such as running and cycling. That’s why you get the ‘runner’s high’, and it’s also why you want to keep repeating the experience.

I’m seeing more and more highly stressed professionals self-medicating with excessive exercise. They cycle or run to work, put in a full and often stressful day, and then cycle or run home. They sign up to increasingly testing challenges – running further and in more and more difficult conditions or trekking and climbing all over the world. They’re on the brink of developing an addiction to exercise.

Symptoms of exercise addiction

  • Ever more exercise is needed to achieve the perceived benefits – the exercise ‘high’, increased self-esteem or reduction in anxiety – with addicts regularly exceeding their exercise limits.
  • Addicts experience withdrawal effects (anger, fatigue, anxiety) when they cannot work out as planned.
  • Time spent exercising is often at the expense of that spent with family and friends, at work or doing non-exercise related activities.
  • They persist with physical activity despite illness, injury, anxiety and depression and even against medical advice to take a break.

Exercise addiction and injury

If someone’s exercise goal is unrealistic or the lifestyle unsustainable then the chances of something physically ‘giving way’ eventually is high.

Which is when they appear in my Osteopath Clinic looking for an instant cure for their shin splints, muscle strain, fatigue and so on.  We are, after all, the ‘next-day delivery’ generation that expects a guaranteed recovery in just days or even hours. So, imagine their distress when I explain that the healing-time for an exercise-induced torn ligament for example, can stretch into weeks, requiring plenty of rest and patience, alongside Osteopathic treatment. My patients are then deprived of a tried and trusted outlet for their stress, which escalates.

I always look beyond the injury that brought the patient to my Clinic and probe deeper into their lifestyle and emotional wellbeing. This usually provides helpful clues for treatment and preventing a re-occurrence. As a qualified Osteopath and Naturopath, I work with patients to identify areas that might be undermining their health, such as diet, lifestyle choices, medical history, and physical or emotional circumstances. Treatment plans then encourage the body to heal itself and help guard against future illness or injury.

Give stress the boot

Since stress can be such a large part of the mix, I encourage patients to engage in new ways of managing it:

  • Autogenic therapy, a type of relaxation. I teach patients a set of simple mental and physical exercises and techniques, often incorporating this therapy into a patient’s treatment plan to help them manage their stress and/anxiety and promote greater healing of both mind and body.
  • Mindfulness. This is hugely popular and has become big business with plenty of its own apps and gadgets! But the basic idea is good – paying more attention to the present moment, to your own thoughts and feelings, and the world around you. Rather than sitting cross-legged focussing on one’s breath, ‘being in the moment’ and relaxing can take many different forms – long walks, gardening, swimming or even talking to friends. All these ways of unwinding can be a refreshing break from distractions (especially electronic ones) and have huge benefits for both physical and mental wellbeing. You can find out more about Mindfulness here.

The good news is that most people who exercise are able to maintain a healthy balance with the other areas of their life. So, please get in touch if you’ve got a pain or niggle anywhere, or if you’d like any advice on how to relax, manage stress or establish healthy habits.


A mindful activity

Hands up who really understands what Mindfulness is?

As an activity it’s become fashionable with its own gadgets, Apps, clothing and general paraphernalia! All of which I fundamentally disagree with, which is why I dislike the word ‘Mindful’.
Having said that, I have no problem with Mindfulness as a practice, provided that a) it’s not hijacked by commerciality and b) people understand what it is – and is not.

Mindfulness explained

It’s about:

  • Being present – engaging with the here and now, paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, sensations, as well as to the world around you. Not letting your mind wander to your shopping list or what’s on TV tonight!
  • Living with intent – deliberately moving through your life rather than being on auto-pilot.
  • Accepting that life isn’t perfect, so working with what you have now, not what was or should have been.

Why should we bother?

Being Mindful can have huge benefits for both physical and mental wellbeing by:

  • providing a break from distractions (especially electronic ones)
  • reducing anxiety, stress and the (very real) possibility of burnout
  • improving attention span
  • boosting creativity
  • enabling us to manage our emotions better
  • helping to reshape our perspective, bringing us back to what’s important in life

 Main barriers to being Mindful

We simply don’t have the time or space, thanks to our fast-paced, teched-up 24/7 lifestyles. When did you last sit down and reflect quietly or walk the dog without being attached to an electronic gadget?

I swim regularly, as many of my patients know. It enables me to ‘be in the moment’. I feel the water on my body, I pay attention to my breathing and I clear my mind. For me, riding my motorbike in the countryside or walking the dog is equally good.

Recently, I spent a week in Portugal on a woodworking course, learning how to make a chair from a mimosa tree using traditional woodworking tools. The scenery was spectacular and I enjoyed the sun and warmth on my body, the feel of the wood and the creative process of making the chair. The action of planing was soothing and therapeutic. There were no bleeps, rings or reminders to do things. I just lived in the moment, on my senses. And it was wonderful.

I’m not saying that everyone should go to Portugal. Or that you need special kit or gadgets. In fact, the opposite is true – anything can be done in a mindful way by anyone!

Tips for being Mindful

  1. Sit down quietly and become aware of your senses: notice what you can you see, smell, taste, touch and hear, to help keep yourself in the moment. If your mind wanders, just notice it and gently bring it back to your senses. Try this for just a few minutes at a time.
  2. Start each day with a few deep breaths and think about your top three priorities. Check back at different points during the day to see if you’re on track for achieving these.
  3. At the beginning of each task, take a minute to breathe, refocus and get into the moment, giving it your full attention. Many of us pride ourselves on our ability to multi-task but sometimes focusing on one activity and seeing it through to its conclusion is simply better.
  4. Set boundaries so that you switch off mentally at the end of each day, giving your brain time to recharge ready for tomorrow.

So, do think about giving it a go this summer, remembering the one golden rule of Mindfulness: anytime, anywhere – and anyone!

Stretch before exercise

It’s that time of year – the clocks have gone forward, the days are longer and spring is definitely in the air. And, as people ditch winter woollies for T shirts and cotton frocks, their thoughts inevitably turn to getting toned and fit for summer. It’s time to build a healthy exercise habit!

Some will dust off their trainers and enrol in a gym (or return to the one they joined in January!). But if the prospect of pounding the treadmill or sweating your way through a spin class leaves you cold, there are many other ways to achieve your fitness goals, whatever they may be.

The benefits of regular exercise are many and proven. Think increased energy, improved immune system function, lower risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes, reduced stress and better mood.  Not to mention toning up and looking better.

Build a healthy exercise habit

But here’s the thing about exercise: achieving any fitness goal requires consistency (coupled with healthy eating), and the motivation to continue until it becomes routine. That’s not always easy so check out our eight top tips to help you build a healthy exercise habit:

Pick an activity you enjoy

You can burn a zillion calories on the rowing machine but if (and when) boredom sets in you’ll quit. Finding an activity that grabs you may take time and research but it’s worth it. Heading into spring, you can take advantage of the lighter evenings outdoors by walking, cycling, jogging, playing tennis or kicking a ball around with your children. Or if you like dancing, why not have a go at Zumba or salsa? For more sociable and/or competitive souls, a team sport like netball or football might be just the thing. Remember, too, that your chosen sport should align with your fitness goals. Yoga or weight training won’t increase cardiovascular strength, while running doesn’t build flexibility!

Indoors vs outside?

Various studies, including one in 2011 published by Environmental Science and Technology, have highlighted the health benefits of exercising outdoors, especially in a park or green open space. These include improved mood, increased energy, a more varied workout (based on your surroundings), and all for free!

Start exercising gently

If you haven’t exercised for some time (or at all), ease yourself into it by doing a few minutes at a time, gradually increasing the time and the intensity. Always warm up beforehand and stretch afterwards to avoid injury.

Schedule in exercise

Turning your chosen activity into a habit is all about regularity. Choose a convenient time and diarise the session just as you would a work meeting. Do allow enough time too. Some sports are more time-consuming, especially when factoring in travelling, showering and changing. If you lack time, consider exercising at home. You can do it at any time and you’ll never have to wait for the elliptical trainer – unless your exercise buddy (see below) or other half is hogging it.

Buddy up

Several studies have shown that people are more likely to stick with an activity if they receive support from close friends and family* or if they partner up with a friend or family member. That’s as true for Zumba or team sports as it is for ‘solitary’ activities such as swimming, cycling, weight training or exercising at home. Buddies share your highs and lows, helping to motivate you to achieve your goals. You’re less likely to skip a workout if it means you’re letting your exercise partner or the team down. There are other benefits, too. A 2011 study published in in the American Journal of Health Behavior showed that exercising with a buddy increases feelings of energy, enabling you to keep going for longer, compared with exercising alone. The same study found that it elevates mood and reduces stress.

Give self-control a helping hand

Relying on self-control doesn’t work. Barbara Brehm, author of Successful Fitness Motivation Strategies, says that “self-control is a limited resource and that the stress we experience during the day gradually erodes our willpower to exercise”. This is why morning exercisers are more likely to stick to a workout routine. By the end of the day we don’t have enough self-control to exercise, especially if it’s raining or there’s something good on TV. So remove barriers to making the ‘right’ decision to exercise by… picking something you enjoy, diarising it, buddying up and so on.

Consider safety

Some activities aggravate existing injuries or illnesses so seek advice from a doctor (if you have high blood pressure, for example) or an osteopath. With hip, knee or ankle problems avoid running or jumping and opt for lower-impact activities. So try rowing, walking/hill walking, stepping, cycling, swimming or weight training instead. Don’t be fooled by the term ‘low impact’ – you’ll still work hard and burn calories! With an exercise class, talk to the instructor beforehand. They will advise about avoiding specific moves, possibly suggesting alternatives.

Be Patient

Sometimes it takes time to achieve your goals. You can’t build a healthy exercise habit overnight. It’s normal for motivation to dip when you get sore or don’t see quick results. Don’t judge yourself harshly. Simply acknowledge the obstacles and use the tips outlined above to help you achieve the outcome you want and deserve.

If you’d like advice on which exercise is right for you, why not book an appointment with osteopath Robin Kiashek.

*The influence of close others’ exercise habits and perceived social support on exercise – Susan D.Darlow and Xiaomeng Xu, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol 12, Issue 5, September 2011, Pages 575-578

Autogenic training banishes stress

Feeling anxious, stressed out and uptight? If so, a powerful relaxation technique, such as Autogenic Training (AT), could really help you.

What is Autogenic Training?

AT is a series of simple mental exercises which can bring about profound mental and physical relaxation. They help balance the activity of body and mind, facilitating (with practice) a mental and physical shift into a state of calm as and when you choose. The clue that you are in charge of the process lies in the word ‘autogenic’, which means self-induced!

The technique dates back to 1932 when German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz sought to reduce anxiety and tension by recreating the relaxed state experienced by people under hypnosis. Since then, AT has become a well-established method of relaxation in many parts of the world. We know from research, including a 2008 meta-analytic study, that autogenic training can be beneficial in the treatment of anxiety and help with insomnia.

Stress and the body

Stress and anxiety result in a series of changes in the body, thanks to the actions of the autonomic nervous system. This also incorporates the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems.

The sympathetic element regulates the ‘flight or fight’ response, so-called after the choice our ancestors made in the face of danger. Nowadays we’re unlikely to be faced with a hungry sabre-toothed tiger, but if we feel upset or angry the physical effect is much the same – release of the stress hormone adrenaline, raised blood pressure and heart rate and dilated pupils – to ready the body for physical exertion. It’s important to remember, though, that the fight or flight response’s limited range of bodily functions supersedes others, such as digestion or cell repair, and is designed for short-term use only.

It’s the job of the parasympathetic nervous system to dampen these responses – lowering blood pressure and returning the body to its normal resting state – once the threat has passed. In an ideal world, the body maintains a healthy balance between fight or flight and the rest, repair and recuperate states.

Unfortunately, the stresses and strains of modern life cause us to be in fight or flight mode much of the time and our bodies are unable to perform routine mechanisms such as muscular relaxation or digestion. This is why sustained stress can significantly contribute to long-term ill-health.

Benefits of Autogenic Training

For health…

AT helps switch off the autonomic nervous system so that this remains or returns to a restful state, enabling your body to repair and recuperate itself. It:

  • Reduces anxiety, stress and tension and induce a feeling of calm, especially in social situations
  • Improves well-being, mood, energy levels and sleep
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Increases self-confidence
  • Improves efficiency, concentration and creativity
  • Develops the resilience to manage and overcome adversity


  • AT is versatile – you can practise the exercises anywhere
  • It’s effective if you can do it for 10 seconds or 10 minutes – however long you have available
  • You don’t need equipment or special clothing
  • This lifetime ‘toolkit for coping’ will relax, refresh and restore you in most situations

How I can help

As an Autogenic Training practitioner, I offer this as a course at both of my London clinics, although I usually incorporate it into an Osteopathic session to reduce costs.

I will help you to find the right exercises for you and together we’ll ensure that you feel confident enough to perform them on your own. You will need to practise them at home for a few minutes each day so that AT becomes part of your life and an everyday resource for health and wellbeing.

For more information on Autogenic Training or to book a consultation, please click here.

One grateful patient recently wrote: “Because of my anxiety disorder, I have struggled to do everyday things like taking the tube, answering my phone when an unknown number rings, eating around other people and leaving my house. As I progressed through the autogenic training course, I found myself being able to cope with taking the tube, I was able to push myself in social situations, and I felt more comfortable when leaving my house. Autogenic training has helped me throw my anxiety in the backseat and as a result has stabilised my blood sugar levels, making diabetes easier to control. Robin has given me all of the tools and support to conquer my anxiety and for that I am forever grateful.”

Western Acupuncture in London

As many of my patients already know, I frequently combine osteopathy with one or more other therapies, such as Western acupuncture, when seeking the best treatment outcome for a patient.

Acupuncture has been used in the Far East for over 2000 years, reaching the West during the 17th century. The medical profession now increasingly recognise and use it as an effective form of pain relief. One or more fine needles are inserted through the skin into specific points within the body and left in position for a short while. These can be manipulated by hand or via low-voltage electrical stimulation (known as electro acupuncture). Basically, acupuncture stimulates nerves within the skin and muscle. It releases endorphin and serotonin – the body’s own painkillers – into the pain pathways of the spinal cord and the brain. In this way it modifies how pain signals are received.

Eastern vs Western Acupuncture

In my practice we use Western acupuncture, also known as dry needling. This version of the therapy combines the use of the same acupuncture points and needles as Eastern (Chinese) acupuncture with a Western approach to evidence-based medicine and the latest scientific knowledge.

Traditional Chinese acupuncture seeks to balance opposites – yin and yang, hot and cold etc and facilitate the flow of the life force Qi – in the pursuit of general good health or to ward off illness. In contrast, Western acupuncture uses a ‘neuro-physiological’ approach to target specific issues.

How acupuncture can help you

In recent years, a growing body of research as reviewed by the Acupuncture Evidence Project* has shown that acupuncture can help by:

* Providing pain relief for tension headaches/migraine, TMJ, back, neck, shoulder, leg and knee pain and discomfort resulting from arthritis, rheumatism and operations

* Relieving trapped nerves, muscle strains, sports injuries and generally increasing the range of physical movement

* Reducing reliance on and side effects of medication

* Relieving nausea, including morning sickness in pregnancy

* Helping with infertility

* Dealing with sleep problems

* Promoting natural healing and well-being

Benefits of Western Acupuncture

The therapy offers several hugely important benefits, as it is:

* Largely (although not always) pain free, with a minimal risk of bruising or bleeding

* An effective painkiller, stimulating the release of the body’s own natural analgesics

* Safe, including during pregnancy – The British Medical Association has undertaken several studies regarding its safety

* Able to combine safely with osteopathy, and patients can usually benefit from both therapies during the same session

How I treat patients using Western Acupuncture

Once I have assessed a patient and I feel that acupuncture may benefit them, we discuss what it involves. Assuming they are happy we then agree a treatment plan. Initially, treatment might take place once a week to begin with, then at longer intervals as the patient feels better.

In the UK acupuncture is taught at post-graduate level to those with existing medical qualifications. I studied with The British Medical Acupuncture Society, qualifying in both Western acupuncture and related Electro-Acupuncture, offering both at my clinics. For more information on Western acupuncture or to book a consultation in one of my London clinics, please feel free to contact me.

*John McDonald and Stephen Janz, The Acupuncture Evidence Project, 2017

Do you experience pain in or near your heel, especially when getting out of bed first thing in the morning? If so, the chances are that you could be one of the 10% of people who suffer from Plantar Fasciitis. It’s a common but painful condition, and one that I’m frequently asked about in both my Central London and North London Osteopathic clinics.  

Plantar Fasciitis is caused by an inflamed or swollen plantar fascia. This is the strong band of tissue that stretches all the way from your heel bone to your toes. Basically, its function is to support your foot arch and act as a shock absorber within your foot. But repeated small injuries to the fascia (for any number of reasons) can result in inflammation and pain, often where the plantar fascia attaches to your heel. Here, too, you might also get a bony spur on your heel bone (calcaneum) thanks to a build-up of calcium.   

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis 

  • Pain and tenderness under the heel (and often about 4cm forward from your heel) when standing up and placing weight on the foot, especially first thing in the morning or after prolonged sitting 
  • Stiffness in the arch of the foot 
  • Difficulty in raising your toes off the floor 

Triggers for Plantar Fasciitis  

Damage to the plantar fascia can be brought on by various situations and lifestyle factors: 

  • Excessively standing, walking or running (especially on hard surfaces), causing overuse or stretching of your sole  
  • Having either high arches or flat feet 
  • Wearing shoes that don’t fit properly, that are too flat or provide minimal cushioning for the sole and heel 
  • Being overweight, thereby placing extra strain on your heel 
  • Having a tight Achilles tendon, impairing the mobility of your ankle 

 Treatment and future prevention for Plantar Fasciitis 

Although fascia tissue generally heals slowly, sometimes taking several months, the good news is that Plantar Fasciitis pain does ease over time, aided by lifestyle changes such as: 

  • Resting and not putting too much weight on the affected heel  
  • Wearing well-fitting shoes, preferably with a 2-3cm heel (for both men and women), avoiding going barefoot wherever possible and using a cushioned insole for extra protection  
  • If you’re a runner or jogger, buying your training shoes from a specialist running shoe shop 
  • Fitting in at least 20- or 30-minutes’ gentle movement each day, starting with walking if you’re a beginner – regular exercise promotes flexibility and a healthy lifestyle  
  • Warming up and cooling down before exercising, including daily calf and plantar fascia stretches (such as rolling a plastic bottle of water under the affected foot for 15 minutes twice a day)  
  • Losing weight (slowly and steadily) if you need to 

If your heel pain is persistent, please come to see me at one of my Osteopathic clinics. I will take a detailed case history, assess your feet – how you stand and walk – and check out the relationship between your pelvis, leg and foot. If you do have Plantar Fasciitis, I will offer lifestyle advice to aid recovery and prevent future recurrences. In terms of treatment there are two very effective options: 

  • Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) uses low power or ‘soft’ laser light to aid and speed up your body’s natural healing process safely and effectively 
  • Osteopathy and Western Acupuncture used in combination (and if relevant) will help to address underlying biomechanical issues in your legs and pelvis that may be affecting your Plantar Fascia 

 Kind words from sufferers of Plantar Fasciitis 

Here’s what one patient said to me recently: “Robin diagnosed that I had developed mild Plantar Fasciitis. He treated me with a Low Level Laser Therapy, which took away any pain by the next day; it’s very effective. The next week he repeated the treatment and, consequently, I have no further symptom. My problem could have developed into full-blown Plantar Fasciitis but, because of Robin’s use of Low Level Laser Therapy, the symptom was prevented from becoming more advanced!” 

 Please click here to request a consultation with me in either the North or Central London Robin Kiashek clinics.