Entries by Robin Kiashek


Don’t let anger derail your life

We all get angry from time to time. After all, anger is just another human emotion that can arise as a result of work, family or money problems coupled with overwhelming demands on our time or emotions.  Into this potentially explosive mix, you can add in a handful of genetic and family upbringing factors that make it difficult for people to manage their emotions properly.   Of course, anger can be extremely helpful, enabling us to defend ourselves […]

Treat your back right…

          This year’s Backcare Awareness Week (8th to 12th October) focuses on back pain in older people. Awful at any age, back pain can be really disabling and miserable in the over 60s.  BackCare, the National Back Pain Association, offers useful information and resources but I want to talk about how […]

Exercise to beat the blues!

  It’s well known that regular exercise brings huge benefits. In a society where sitting has become the norm, being active helps to regulate weight, build and maintain strong muscles and bones, boost energy and promote healthy sleep. It can also reduce the risk of injury and chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, some cancers […]

Taking Mindfulness back to basics

‘Mindfulness’ has become quite the buzzword in recent years.  A quick Amazon search revealed over 100,000 items across books, CDs, activity kits including colouring books, daily task sets and so on.  So big business.  And thereby lies my issue with it. At a most basic level mindfulness is simply about paying more attention to the […]