I came to Robin with a long term sciatic condition, which had been causing severe pain in my lower back and left leg for about ten years. I had been treated at The British School of Osteopathy during the early 1990’s after a fall from a tree which damaged a vertebrae in my lower back and remembered how effective this had been in alleviating a lot of my symptoms.

However, I ceased this treatment at a point when I felt the symptoms had become manageable. By early 2002 I was suffering more or less constant pain. My GP suggested I recommence osteopathic treatment.I initially visited Robin regularly, starting at one half hour session per week and gradually reducing those visits to one per four week period as my symptoms have improved. The majority of my treatment has involved a combination of manipulation, some focused exercise aimed at building up muscle tone in the legs and lower back and some dietary advice. As a result of Robin’s intelligent and wholly professional approach to the treatment of my symptoms, I have seen a 75 to 80 per cent improvement in my condition to date. It is truly remarkable how few symptoms affect me now and how much pain I was prepared to endure before seeking treatment. I would wholeheartedly recommend Robin to anyone suffering similar symptoms to my own.

I would like to thank you for the work you’ve done on my back.
Before seeing you, I had been suffering for a year following a ski accident.
I had seen another osteopath and my back pain was still pronounced.

Several friends having suffered from similar vertebres experiences told me that my back pain would last for the rest of my life…
Based on the above experience and feedback, I had little expectations when I came to see you for the first time.
You have delivered an impressing relief and I am very grateful to you for this.
My expectations have been far exceeded and I will be most happy to recommend your services as I have already started doing

I had a painful shoulder for about a month before I saw Robin. I heard of him through The Production Manager’s Association – someone recommended him in the newsletter.

I had a total of 5 treatments on my ‘Frozen Shoulder’, which started to improve almost immediately. It has now cleared up. I found Robin very gentle and knowledgeable. He obviously knows exactly what he is doing and I trusted him implicitly. I would definately recommend him to any of my friends.

I came to Robin with a long term sciatic condition, which had been causing severe pain in my lower back and left leg for about ten years. I had been treated at The British School of Osteopathy during the early 1990’s after a fall from a tree which damaged a vertebrae in my lower back and remembered how effective this had been in alleviating a lot of my symptoms.

However, I ceased this treatment at a point when I felt the symptoms had become manageable. By early 2002 I was suffering more or less constant pain. My GP suggested I recommence osteopathic treatment.I initially visited Robin regularly, starting at one half hour session per week and gradually reducing those visits to one per four week period as my symptoms have improved. The majority of my treatment has involved a combination of manipulation, some focused exercise aimed at building up muscle tone in the legs and lower back and some dietary advice. As a result of Robin’s intelligent and wholly professional approach to the treatment of my symptoms, I have seen a 75 to 80 per cent improvement in my condition to date. It is truly remarkable how few symptoms affect me now and how much pain I was prepared to endure before seeking treatment. I would wholeheartedly recommend Robin to anyone suffering similar symptoms to my own

I approached Robin with acute back and shoulder pain. We are not sure why these symptoms suddenly occured but it sounds as if it has been due to bad posture and stress. I had been receiving treatment from a physiotherapist but I was not noticing any results, so I looked into osteopathy. I wanted to visit an osteopath that was close to my work and got Robin’s details from The General Osteopathic Council.

Robin is exceptionally professional at all times and has been a great help to me both mentally and professionally. I pointed out to Robin that I did not like manipulation and he took on board my wishes and treated me in different ways. He sorted out my lower back with only a few treatments and then worked on other areas (shoulder and neck) that have also been problematic. He gave me exercises to do and has told me how I can improve my posture.

I still have regular treatments with Robin which are very successful and I would highly recommend him to anyone.

…For over five years I suffered from terrible neck pains and almost daily headaches. I visited approximately 10 Harley Street specialists, tried all sorts of alternative medicine (hypnosis, Alexander technique and even flying to Thailand for acupuncture) and had regular sessions with a variety of expert physiotherapists. Nothing worked.

In April, I was recommended to Robin by my doctor. Since I started seeing him (once a week), my neck pains have diminished to a perfectly tolerable level, not generally having more than one headache a week. In the past month, I have not experienced a single headache. Apart from helping me enormously in a physical sense, Robin Kiashek’s holistic approach has been a real moral booster. His skills as a clinical dietician have improved my diet and he has enrolled me with a personal trainer twice weekly. He is sympathetic, encouraging and thoughtful and I’m sure these human qualities have also played a role in my incredible recovery.

I awoke one morning with an excruciating neck pain that I put down to sleeping strangely. The following night resulted in no sleep whatsoever as which ever way I lay, resulted in agony. The next day I made an appointmnet with Robin simply because the practise was near my office.

Robin identified the problem and after one session my neck immediately felt better. I returned for three more treatments to ensure that the problem was gone for good. The problem has not returned. I did however return to Robin for back pressure problems later in the year, caused by pregnancy – the problem was immediately relieved. I will also be booking Cranial Osteopathy treatments for my new baby daughter.

… For most of my life I have suffered from migraine and headaches, which occurred every 6 to 8 weeks. I have received treatments from osteopaths, naturopaths, doctors, chiropractors and physiotherapists. None of the treatments had worked. After moving to London, I was referred to Robin Kiashek by a doctor who was treating me for another bad migraine. I first visited Robin in April 1999 and since then, I have not had another migraine – a dry run of 10 months so far!…

I approached Robin with acute back and shoulder pain. We are not sure why these symptoms suddenly occured but it sounds as if it has been due to bad posture and stress. I had been receiving treatment from a physiotherapist but I was not noticing any results, so I looked into osteopathy. I wanted to visit an osteopath that was close to my work and got Robin’s details from The General Osteopathic Council.

Robin is exceptionally professional at all times and has been a great help to me both mentally and professionally. I pointed out to Robin that I did not like manipulation and he took on board my wishes and treated me in different ways. He sorted out my lower back with only a few treatments and then worked on other areas (shoulder and neck) that have also been problematic. He gave me exercises to do and has told me how I can improve my posture.
I still have regular treatments with Robin which are very successful and I would highly recommend him to anyone.

I had been suffering from headaches since childhood. Over the years, these had become more frequent and delibitating to the point where it was most unusual for me to have a day free of headache. Headaches became migraines and I felt ‘better’ when the migraines had retreated to the state of ‘mere’ headaches.

I was recommended to Robin as having some useful experience in this area and somewhat sceptically attended our first session. There was no immediate fix nor was one promised. Robin set about releasing the tension in my upper back and neck through a series of manipulations and cranial massage. He also gave me some shoulder and neck exercises to do at home. I was asked to keep a ‘headache diary’ showing severity and frequency in order to plot any improvements.

Initially improvement was slow – 40 years of headaches don’t resolve overnight. After around 5 or 6 sessions, however, I began to feel a slight improvement in that the headaches became less severe and didn’t turn so readily into migraines. About 8 weeks into treatment I had a major headache which, when it subsided, disappeared completely. Thereafter I began to get not only headache-free days, but headache-free weeks. The cycle had been broken.

I still get headaches – I have a stressful life (OK – who hasn’t). But they are the exceptions, no longer the rule; they do not endure and I can often head them off with relaxtion exercises when I feel them coming on.

I still attend regular treatments with Robin and my headache frequency continues to subside. Robin’s approach has without question improved not only the quality of my life but also that of my family, who now have less frequently to endure a bear (literally) with a sore head.