Increasingly inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle are being described as “one of the biggest” challenges in health by experts.

On Your Feet Britain …

Get Britain Standing  is a campaign to grow awareness and education of the dangers of sedentary working and sitting more than 4 hours a day. This year it partnered with the British Heart Foundation charity to run a new event called On Your Feet Britain on 24th April. The event hoped to encourage workers to take the opportunity to stand and move around more. It is called on people to embrace ideas such as standing meeting or standing desks.

Some tips to unglue yourself from your desk

As a London osteopath with two busy osteopathy clinics in London W1 and London N2 & N10 I treat many patients who spend a significant amount of their working day glued to their desks.

If you are finding yourself glued to your desk then here are five simple tips that may help you break the habit of sitting for too long periods and to stand up and move around more:
• Eat lunch away from your desk
• Take a break every 30 minutes and stand up and get a drink of water
• Use the stairs instead of the lift
• Walk to a colleague’s desk instead of phoning or emailing
• Stand up when you are on the phone

Visit an experienced London Osteopath in W1 and N2 N10

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at either of my osteopathy clinic in London W1 and London N2 N10 please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979.

In addition to being a registered London osteopath I am qualified at a postgraduate level with the British Medical Acupuncture Society in both Western Acupuncture and related Electro-Acupuncture.

Western Medical Acupuncture offered at my osteopathy clinics in London W1 and N2 N10

I offer Western Medical Acupuncture at both of my clinics in London. I also combine the Osteopathic treatment I provide with acupuncture when relevant and assuming the patient is happy to do so.

How can Western Acupuncture help you?

Western Acupuncture has traditionally been seen as a pain relief therapy; however, it can be applied to a number of ailments and for many purposes. These include:
• Pain relief including musculoskeletal and postoperative pain
• Nausea
• Increasing physical movement
• Sleep issues
• Infertility
• Promoting natural healing and well-being
• Dealing with issues relating to medication, such as reducing reliance and managing side effects

Visit an experienced London Osteopath in W1 and N2 N10 who offers Western Medical Acupuncture

If you’re considering using Western Acupuncture due to a specific issue or concern you have, I would be happy to discuss your requirements with you and to advise you on the best course of treatment.

Please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979.

A lack of sleep can have quite an effect on how we feel. You may have found yourself feeling a bit groggy or perhaps more irritable after not having had as much sleep as usual.

How much is enough sleep?

Researchers have tested how much sleep is required each night by assigning groups of people to 4, 6 and 8 hours of sleep over extended periods of time. After 14 days those sleeping for 8 hours exhibited fewer attention lapses or cognitive issues while those with 6 or 4 hours showed a steady decline.

In fact those assigned 6 and 4 hours showed some worrying effects and in both groups brain function declined day by day almost linearly with no sign off levelling off.

Scientists have called this cumulative effect ‘Sleep Debt’. While it would appear we can recover from Sleep Debt after a few nights of lost sleep with a few nights of good quality sleep, recovery of cognitive function after months of cumulative sleep loss is much slower.

Most studies tend to suggest that 7 -8 hours of sleep is the average ideal for humans.

Watch this Video

This 3:37 minute video provides scientific research into how much sleep we need and the effect that too little or too much sleep has and also the role our genes play in how much sleep we need.

Visit an experienced London Osteopath in W1 and N2 N10

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at either of my osteopathy clinics in London W1 and N2 N10 please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979.

My aim, as an experienced London osteopath, is to help my patients achieve overall health of the body and the mind.

Treating each patient as an individual

In addition to being a registered London osteopath I am also qualified in a range of other complementary therapies that allow my patients to benefit for an integrated approach to their wellbeing based on a treatment plan that is specific to their individual needs.

Other complementary therapies offered

The other complementary therapies that I am qualified to practice have both specific and general applications. They can also work extremely well in combination with each other. These therapies include:
Life Coaching and Neuro Lingustic Programming (NLP)
The Perrin Technique
Autogenic Training
Acupuncture (Western)
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

What some of my patients say

“Robin’s “holistic” approach attracted me … I can’t thank him enough for all he has done for me and I highly recommend him” JH (Read more)

“After all these years and the many, many things I have tried, I really didn’t think anything would help me, thanks to Robin and Autogenic Training I have been proved to be wrong– and that’s a first!!” DL (Read more)

“Robin has been my osteopath for 10 years. His addition of NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming & Life Coaching to his practice has been useful to me.” RK (Read more

Visit an experienced London Osteopath in W1 and N2 N10

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at either of my osteopathy clinic in London W1 and N2 N10 please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979.

As an experienced osteopath in London my aim is to provide each one of my patients with the highest standard of care. I work with each of my patients to address the symptoms they present with and to understand the causative factors to promote on-going health.

Treating each patient as an individual

I treat each of my patients as an individual and each patient’s treatment plan is unique to their specific needs.

My patients benefit from my ability to offer them an integrated approach to their wellbeing as not only am I a registered Osteopath  I am also qualified in a range of other therapies that I can combine with osteopathy if they are relevant and my patient is happy for me to do so. I can also offer these as therapies as stand-alone treatments.

How can I help you?

I am qualified in a range of other complementary therapies including Naturopathy, Low Level Laser Therapy, Autogenic Training, The Perrin Technique , Life Coaching and (Western) Acupuncture.

From Osteopathy to Naturopathy, every treatment I offer is based on understanding you as an individual. It is through this attention to detail that I can provide you with the highest standard of care and assist with a range of needs. These may include:
• Aches, pains and long-term disorders: Identifying, treating and preventing the underlying causes which may be affecting your health.
• Lifestyle conditions: From the pains of pregnancy to workplace and sporting injuries.
• Conditions in patients of all ages: Including new-borns and the elderly patients.
• Optimising your physical health: Whether by making changes to your lifestyle or diet or teaching you the effective relaxation techniques of Autogenic Training.
• Emotional wellbeing: Helping you achieve the confidence and clarity to take control of your life and shape your future.
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME: Using the Perrin Technique, to diagnose and treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also known as CFS or ME.

What one of my patients says

“Robin’s “holistic” approach attracted me … I can’t thank him enough for all he has done for me and I highly recommend him” JH (Read more)

Visit an experienced London Osteopath in W1 and N2 N10

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at either of my osteopathy clinics in London W1 and N2 N10 please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979.


Low Level Laser Therapy is widely available for the treatment of pain, the healing of wounds and musculoskeletal conditions, including but not exclusively – Sports Injuries • Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain) • Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) • Achilles Tendonitis • Acute & Chronic Back Pain • Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) • Rheumatoid & Osteo-Arthritis • Chronic Oedema (Swelling & Fluid Retention) • Fracture Healing • Headaches & Migraines (including TMJ Dysfunction)

Low Lever Laser Therapy (LLLT) has been used in the field of osteopathy for some time and as an experienced osteopath in London I have found it to be extremely effective in helping treat patients when it is warranted.

An established and safe therapy

The physiological effects of Low Level Laser Therapy have been extensively researched and tested by medical professionals and the details of the mechanisms are becoming increasingly understood.

While LLLT is suitable for the vast majority of people, as with any form of electrotherapy equipment there are certain cautions and contradictions. During your consultation I will talk you through everything you need to know about LLLT.

The treatment

Low Level Laser Therapy is quick, pain-free, easy to apply and effective. LLLT when combined with general osteopathic techniques can offer dramatic pain relief and help resolution of the majority of acute and chronic pain syndromes.

You can read further information about Low Level Laser Therapy here.

Visiting an osteopath in London

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at one of my osteopathy clinics in London please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979.

Osteopathy involves the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of a variety of muscle, joint and skeletal conditions, without the need for surgery or drugs, where possible.

The overriding aim of Osteopathy is to heal your body as a whole. However, we are usually only alerted to an imbalance in our bodies when we experience symptoms such as back pain or general discomfort.

Osteopathy a non-invasive treatment

As an experienced London Osteopath in W1 & N2 I restore the natural functions of a patient’s body using hands-on techniques. By using these non-invasive methods and working closely with the lifestyle of a patient, I can help minimise or even resolve their symptoms and improve their overall health.

Osteopathy can help a range of disorders

Osteopathy is a validated, regulated and increasingly researched medical therapy which aims to address pain and other symptoms caused by a range of disorders including those incurred in the workplace, the sporting world and during pregnancy as well as general lifestyle related conditions.

As a qualified and registered London Osteopath in W1 & N2 , I help my patients understand, overcome and prevent a myriad of issues and the symptoms they may cause. I have worked with patients suffering with many different types of symptoms, including:
• Joint, neck, muscle and back pain, both chronic and acute
• Whiplash injuries
• Frozen shoulder and shoulder pain
• Spinal curvature
• Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (Jaw pain)
• Sciatica (‘Lumbago’)
• Migraines
• Tension headaches
• Workplace injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome
• Sporting injuries
• Pregnancy pains
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME
• Fibromyalgia
• Circulatory problems
• Digestion problems
• Neuralgia
• Cramp
• Arthritic Pain
• Inability to relax

My approach to treating my patients

When treating a patient I will take into account the patient’s background, both physically and emotionally, which may then warrant the use of other approaches, such as Western Acupuncture, Low Level Laser Therapy and when appropriate, Nutritional advice and/or NLP and/or relaxation techniques.

What a few of my patients say

“Thankfully I found Robin many years ago and whenever I have a back problem he is the first person I turn to.” ML (Read More)

“I find Robin to be an extremely skilled osteopath and also a very astute and concerned individual. I can’t thank him enough for all he has done for me and I highly recommend him.” JH (Read More)

Visit an experienced London Osteopath in W1 & N2

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at either of my osteopathy clinic in London W1  & N2 please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979. I also have a clinic in North London if this is more convenient for you.

There is an increasing body of scientific evidence to support that being physically active can help us to be healthier. However, not only can exercise have a positive effect on our health, it can also make us feel happier.

It is believed that exercise increases the levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in the body which are naturally produced chemicals. An increased level of these chemicals has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

As part of my Osteopathic BSc (Hons) Medicine and Naturopathic degree I undertook a study on ‘The effects of Exercise Training on Clinical Depression’, ahich was overseen by the founder of ‘Exercise on Prescription’ GP Dr Hanratty.

In addition to the physical and mental health benefits, taking exercise can also be socially beneficial.

Get outdoors and take some exercise

We are fortunate in North London to have a number of great places to get outdoors and take some exercise. On our doorstep here in Muswell Hill N2 and East Finchley N10 is Alexandra Park.

The Park is conveniently located for the surrounding areas of Finchley and Highgate. You can get more information about Alexandra Park and directions here.

Walking is a great form of exercise

A great form of exercise is walking and in North London we have access to many walking paths all around us. One such example is the Highgate and Hampstead circular walk .

The Northern Heights Circuit, as it is known, is a nine mile long self-guided trail, taking in 350 points of interest around Highgate, Hampstead and Hampstead Heath. It is broken into sections e.g. Section 1 is 2 miles long and runs between Highgate Village to Kenwood House. Section 2 is 1 mile long and runs between Highgate Village to Parliament Hill Fields.

With such great locations there’s no excuse for not getting outdoors and taking some exercise.

Nice guys finish last – well that’s how the saying goes!

While this on the face of it may not sound as if it has anything to do with me being an osteopath in London W1 I wanted to share this short video that sets out to show, with scientific evidence, how nice guys finish first.

Whilst some mean, cutthroat and envious people may temporarily exploit and gain from others, in the long run, not only nice guys but nice people really do finish first.


Visit an experienced London Osteopath in W1

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at either of my osteopathy clinic in London W1 please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979. I also have a clinic in North London if this is more convenient for you.


As a registered London Osteopath in W1 and North London, I help my patients understand, overcome and prevent a myriad of issues and the symptoms they may cause.

Osteopathy is a validated, regulated and increasingly researched medical therapy which aims to address pain and other symptoms caused by a range of disorders including those incurred in the workplace, the sporting world and during pregnancy as well as general lifestyle related conditions.

5 things you may not know about osteopathy

So whether you are familiar with osteopathy or not here are 5 things you may not know:

1. The title ‘osteopath’ is registered by law

The title ‘osteopath’ is protected by law (Protection of title). To practise in the UK, an osteopath must be registered with the General Osteopathic Coucil (GOsC). It is a criminal offence for a person to claim they are an osteopath unless they are on the GOsC Register and are liable to prosecution.

2. Osteopaths undertake rigorous training

You can’t become an osteopath overnight. Osteopaths study to Degree Level leading to a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Osteopathy or a Masters Degree. A degree course may be taken over four or five years and will include anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacolog, nutrition and biomechanics with at least 1,000 hours of clinical training.

3. Seven million osteopathy consultations in the UK per year 

Osteopath registered with General Osteopathic Council and who practise in the UK carry out more than seven million consultations every year. As of 4 March 2014 there are 4,815 osteopaths registered on the UK Statutory Register of Osteopaths.

4. Osteopaths work to restore your body to a state of balance

Osteopaths work to restore your body to a state of balance, without the use of drugs or surgery where possible. For a patients body to work well an osteopath believes that the body’s structure must also work well. Touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage are used by an osteopath to increase joint mobility, relieve muscle tension, enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues and to help the body’s own healing mechanisms. In addition to the classical Osteopathic approaches I use, when appropriate, Western Accupuncture and/or Low Level Laser Therapy.

To aid recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring, osteopaths may also provide advice on posture and exercise.

5. Many private health insurance schemes cover osteopathy treatment

People often don’t realise that osteopathy is a fully recognised and respected method of diagnosis and treatment and that many private health insurance schemes do cover the treatment.

Visit an experienced London Osteopath in W1

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at either of my osteopathy clinic in London W1 please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979. I also have a clinic in North London if this is more convenient for you.