In addition to my work as a London Osteopath in W1 and North London, I am qualified in a range of other complementary therapies including Naturopathy, Low Level Laser TherapyAutogenic Training, The Perrin TechniqueLife Coaching and (Western) Acupuncture. These therapies have both specific and general applications and can also work very well in combination with each other.

My aim through my work at my osteopathy clinics in W1 and North London is to help my patients achieve overall health of the body and of the mind.

Good nutrition plays a part in our health and well being and ensuring that our food provides us with high nutritional value is important.

This brings me to a common question – Is there a difference between fresh and frozen produce in terms of nutrition? And which is better for us?

Fresh Vs Frozen – Is ‘Fresh’ really the best?

If you believe Fresh is best then I suggest you watch the short video below (2 mins) as all may not be what is seems when defininng what is ‘Fresh’.

If we delve a bit deeper, you will see that because of logistics and picking processes it is often the case that fresh vegeatbles and fruit sitting on supermarket shelves and then in our fridge can actually lose a lot of their nutritional value. In fact, some ‘fresh’ produce can lose up to 50% of their nutritional value from the time they are picked to the time they are eaten.

Frozen vegetables and fruit on the other hand are picked when ripe and frozen immediately thus locking in the nutritional value.

Of course if you grow your own vegetables or buy them directly from a local supplier or at a farmers’ market and eat them that day, nothing will compare to the taste or nutrition.

Watch this video for a great explanation of Fresh vs Frozen …


It is no secret that there is always a way of improving your mental and physical condition. You can exercise the body or the mind and make improvements in your abilities to run or make calculations. It is also no secret that good physical health has positive effects on your mind but what about the other way round? As a leading London Osteopath in W1 I ask the question, can meditation have physical affects on your body?

We’ve all seen or heard of meditation. There is no doubting that meditation can calm a person, that mediation can improve the mind of a person but can it actually have an effect on your body?

More on the power of meditation

Studies have shown that meditation can sharpen the mind and that a healthy mind can in effect make physical improvements.

I want to share with you this quick and useful video that explains further the power of meditation.

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at my osteopathy clinic in London W1 please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979. I also have a clinic in North London should this be more convenient for you.

There is a lot of advice out there on how to be fit and healthy and there is also a lot of advice on what is unhealthy. We all know that fruit and vegetables are healthy foods as much as we know that ice cream is not. We know that exercising is good for you whilst doing nothing isn’t. As a leading osteopath in London W1 I just want to highlight the last point, in particular a lack of activity.

Inactivity is bad for you

There has been a lot said in the news about inactivity and its negative effect on your health. Reports have shown that long periods of sitting down is more damaging to your body than obesity and that going to the gym after hours if inactivity doesn’t reverse the effect. A particular concern for me as an experienced osteopath in London W1 is the negative effect inactivity is having on the strength of our skeletal structure, but there are many other negative effects from inactivity.

What to do about it?

Luckily the solution is simple. Get moving. Here is a useful video giving 9 tips that may save your life ’

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at one of my osteopathy clinic in London W1 please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979. I also have an osteopathy clinic in North London should this be more convenient for you.

There is increased research and media coverage that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to all kinds of health problems.

As an experienced London osteopath in W1 I treat many patients whose lifestyle is having an adverse affect on their health. I was therefore interested in an article that caught my eye recently. It highlights research undertaken by two different teams of anthropologists and the conclusions they have come to with regard to the affect that our increasingly sedentary lifestyle is having on the human skeleton.

There was a time when humans were hunter-gatherers. That time has long since passed and the average person in this day and age barely has to take any physical activity to feed themselves or their families. Instead of running around and hunting all day or walking miles to the nearest shelter we are spending more time sitting down, ordering takeaways and not getting about much.

The studies by the two teams come to the conclusion that as humans turned from from being hunter gatherers and instead developed a more sedentary work style to farm and feed themselves, the human skeleton has become less exposed to stress.  They conclude that these changes in activity, rather than diet, have led to a weaker skeleton and in turn to us being more prone to osteoporosis and breaking bones.

An even more sobering thought is that the researchers warn that with the deskbound nature of peoples’ work  will lead to their bones becoming even more brittle than ever before.

The researches are turning their attention to observing how rigorous exercising affects bone density by analyzing the bones of marathon runners and athletes.

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at one of my osteopathy clinic in London W1 please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979. I also, have an osteopathy clinic in North London, in East Finchley which may be more convenient for you.


As an experienced London Osteopath in W1 I treat many patients. There are a variety of reasons why my patients come to me but most share the same goals, to stop pain and lead a healthier and better life.

When patients first visit me one of the most common questions patients ask concerns treatment time. Such questions as “How long will it take for me to feel better?” “How many treatments do I need?” are common questions. As I treat everyone of my patients as an individual and tailor a plan to specifically suit their needs there is no ‘standard’ answer to these questions.

Everyone is different

It’s not as simple as giving a generic timeframe and session numbers to all my patients.

People are different and so are the problems they come to me with. You might have a simple issue that is relatively straightforward or you might have a complicated problem that can take a while to work out.

Short or long term!

As an experienced London osteopath in W1, resolving acute pain, wherever it is, is the relatively easy part. More difficult is understanding how the pain came about and more importantly why. While it is true to say that osteopathy can resolve pain quickly, as painkillers can often do!, unfortunately, osteopathy can be seen as a ‘quick fix’ for both acute and chronic pain.

I believe that unless at least an understanding of why the pain started; there can be an increased probability of pain returning. In my experience of treating many patients often there is a history of physical and/or emotional patterns that are underlying many acute problems. Often the patient is not aware of these and how these patterns are affecting them.

I will always endeavour to resolve my patient’s pain as fast as I can based on their needs. For one patient, the answer to their problem may be simple and require no further exploration of the underlying cause, whilst for another patient further exploration may be required.

How many treatments?

Of central importance to me as an osteopath when trying to resolve a patient’s pain both short AND long term is respecting that the patient is not just a physical entity but an integration of interwoven strands of differing qualities.

Therefore, a patient may have 2 -3 treatments or however many treatments that may be needed to resolve underlying patterns that may be the cause of their problem.

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how I may help you or to book an Osteopathy appointment at one of my osteopathy clinic in London W1 please feel free to send me a message or call me on 020 8815 0979. I also, have an osteopathy clinic in North London, in East Finchley which may be more convenient for you.